About Meagan Kate

About Meagan Kate

Consumed by pain in her late teens, Meagan has experienced what it’s like to suffer from a debilitating illness and have no idea why it happened.

She was hospitalised on many occasions, sought all possible specialist advice and was subjected to test, after test, after test. All avenues of conventional medicine did little to ease her pain, and on the insistence that it was ‘all in her mind’, she spent years living a life of physical and emotional pain and uncertainty.

With a longing to know more and having explored many avenues, she discovered Chinese Medicine and eventually turned a corner, began growing into wellness and starting the journey to release her true pain.

Through her personal healing process, Meagan began to understand that the key to healing is identifying the real cause of the pain, be it emotional or physical.

This inspired her to learn, refine and harness her gift to help others experience the same, life changing relief.

Meagan’s Ability

Meagan was always gifted with the ability to connect to other people, their feelings and experiences. It was through her quest for knowledge and understanding, that she discovered that her ability could be honed to reveal the lessons manifesting in physical conditions and use that understanding to release others from their pain.

To understand the meaning behind the suffering and the hold it may have on the body, gives great insight to a person’s ability to heal themselves.

“If they don’t understand what they have to learn, they’ll keep on getting sick, continue being in pain. It’s a dreadful cycle”, Meagan said. “Once they realise why they’re suffering, they can begin to heal – to allow the healing energy to take over.”

One of Meagan’s clients kept losing their voice. When Meagan connected into their situation, they revealed a fear of speaking up within the relationship. Drowning in the expectation and dictation of others, they lost their voice as a means of avoiding using it.

Once the client became aware of what they were doing and why, they realised that their voice was meaningful and important, and they spoke up about it. And – believe it or not – that client hasn’t lost their voice again.

As an example, losing ones voice comes from being afraid to speak up, and trauma seems simple. However, the reasons why you are afraid go much deeper than we realise. When the situation and the underlying issue is uncovered, it can be surprising as to what is discovered and how powerfully it can heal.

Once aware of what the long term hold is, its origin, as well as how our coping mechanisms play out both within our body and lives, we take our power back and realise we are important and do have something to contribute. And you guessed it, the voice now has power and confidence and more importantly you know WHY.

To harness long term changes, Meagan pairs her Discover Why Sessions with her Pain Mastery Program, it’s a dynamic combination to help and guide people make long term, sustainable changes.